
Welcome to my personal website. A lot of time and effort went into designing it over many years. I hope you find the content informative and entertaining. This website is primarily intended for those seeking human-powered, outdoor, recreational activities in the Maryland area or for those sharing interests similar to my own, such as homesteading. May you enjoy viewing this website as much as I've enjoyed creating it.

Purpose of this website:

  • To instill a sense of appreciation and respect for the natural world.
  • To inspire others to engage in a physically active lifestyle.
  • To promote sustainable living, both at an individual and global level.
  • To communicate who I am, my interests, and my values.
  • About Me

    Saki, November 2016
    November 2016

    Born and raised in Sacramento, California, I was a studious child who enjoyed music and martial arts, eventually earning my black belt in Kenpo Karate.

    As a young adult, I enlisted in the Marines where I served as an infantryman in the First Gulf War.

    Returning to Sacramento, I used the G.I. Bill to earn a bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

    Shortly after graduating, I moved to Maryland for work, spending my free time hiking, backpacking, kayaking and stand up paddleboarding, bicycling, and cross-country skiing.

    Later in life, I got married, bought a house in Savage, Howard County, Maryland, and started raising chickens and bees.

    I enjoy hard rock, country, southern rock, classic rock, and music from the 1980s. I also like exploring the natural world and going on day/road trips with my wife and dog.

    Family photo, November 2020
    Me with my wife (Norma), dog (Daphne), cat (Chester), and chickens, November 2020